Issue 33 Volume 1

Savanna Post Staff
The Savanna Post
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2023


It has been far too long since our last newsletter reached your inboxes. We apologize for the silence that has lingered since September last year, as circumstances beyond our control swept us away. However, today, we joyously reclaim a place in your inbox.

Over the past months, we have yearned for this moment and opportunity to share our stories, inspirations, and a piece of our collective thoughts with you.

Today, as we take these first steps forward, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and patience during our absence. Your messages of encouragement and anticipation have propelled us through the darkest days, igniting a renewed sense of purpose within our team. We are eternally grateful for your unwavering loyalty.

We strive to continue delivering a newsletter that resonates deeply within your hearts and minds. Brace yourself for captivating stories that will transport you to distant lands, and insightful articles that provoke thought.

Now let’s get started with this week’s top articles;

The Truth About Flirting: Is It Really Considered Cheating?There is a clear difference between flirting and cheating. “Flirting is when you interact with someone to attract attention with potential sexual implications. Cheating is doing anything in a relationship with someone other than your partner that expresses romantic interest. This could be done emotionally or physically. However, flirting is often a contentious topic in relationships, as some people view it as harmless fun, while others consider it a form of cheating.

Fourth Wing Book ReviewAn Instant New York Times Bestseller, A Goodreads Most Anticipated Book, the Fourth Wing will have your heart pounding from beginning to end.

The Remarkable Health Benefits of Avocado OilIt easily costs twice as much as extra virgin olive oil and up to six times more than some seed oils. Do its health benefits outweigh its price tag?

Editor’s Pick

The Relationship With Food: Why You Should Improve It and How ToHow do you feel about food? Perhaps you worry that you don’t eat enough fruit. Or maybe years of dieting have taken the pleasure out of treating yourself to a slab of celebration cake? In a society heavily influenced by diet culture where fear-mongering messages around food are tough to escape, it may take some extra intentional effort to form and maintain a healthy relationship with food.

11 Little Things That Make A Huge Difference In A RelationshipGrand gestures of love can bring surprise and joy to your partner, but the little things in relationships may consistently strengthen your bond and increase emotional security.

Excusing Yourself From WritingHere are some tips to unprocrastinate and return back to your passion of writing. Not because you ‘should’ as a writer, but because, somewhere deep down in your heart, you really want to.

Thank you for your unwavering patience and as always remember sharing is caring! Adios.

