Issue 38 Volume 1

Savanna Post Staff
The Savanna Post
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2023


As another eventful week comes to a close, we’re diving into two intriguing topics, from the captivating world of energy drinks and unravelling the truth behind their claims to give you wings. To delving into a sensitive subject as we discuss why many individuals in polyamorous relationships choose not to come out openly. So, let’s buckle up and get ready to explore these intriguing conversations.

Energy Drinks: Do They Really Give You Wings?

Energy drinks have become a ubiquitous presence in today’s fast-paced world. Promising a burst of vitality and alertness, they often boast of giving us wings to soar through our day. But do they truly live up to these claims?

Energy drinks: Do they really give you wings? While energy drink producers make many claims about the benefits of energy drinks, including: increased sporting performance and endurance; improved reaction time; mental alertness and concentration; and, improved stamina and overall wellbeing, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

Why Many Poly People Don’t Come Out

Polyamory, a relationship style that involves consensually engaging in multiple romantic or sexual relationships, is gaining attention and acceptance. However, for many poly individuals, coming out about their relationship preferences can be a daunting and complex journey.

Why Many Poly People Don’t Come OutDespite the growing acceptance of diverse relationship styles, many poly individuals find themselves grappling with the decision of whether or not to come out.

Editor’s Picks

How Weddings & Honeymoons Became More Important Than Marriage To many, marriage is a checklist, not just a matter of love and compatibility.

The Telltale Signs: 8 Indicators You May Need a Psychiatric Evaluation You might have heard the term “psych eval,” but what exactly is it? And how can you tell if you need one?

Lab #15: The Science of How Food Affects Your Mood Ever wondered how the food you eat affects your mood?

Weekend Read

The Real Reasons Why You’re Not Working Out (And How To Fix Them) — From a busy schedule to not seeing results, there are many reasons why people don’t exercise. If you don’t regularly exercise and are hoping to change course, in the linked article are some potential reasons on why you may not be exercising. You will also find advice on how you can make these issues a thing of the past.

Stay curious, stay informed, and remember that understanding the world around us is a journey worth taking.

Until next week,

Week Lapse Team.

